His bald head shined like a freshly buffed bowling ball covered in beads of fresh morning dew. He reached for the saturated hanky in his breast pocket, which was more a sweat mitigation effort than a style choice. His eyes clenched, he was poised to confess something so personal that he could not bear to acknowledge the tens of people in the room. “I fought with God. I did not want to be in this southern gospel band, but I had to do it.” As the last word left his mouth, the sound man cued the track in perfect sync with this confession. The intro softly plays as he goes on about wanting different things in his life. The music crescendos and his perfectly timed speech turns into a song.
I saw this routine play out multiple times in our Southern Gospel church concerts. I have also heard it from pastors and other people involved in ministry. They complain about their call but then go on about it out of humility or heroism. I am here to confess something to you today.
I love being a pastor, speaking every Sunday, and leading the church. I love being a part of people’s lives and sharing their hopes and dreams, as well as their hurt and grief. It is truly an honor and life-giving.
Paul and Amos remind us that the way we serve and the posture of our hearts is more important than following the rules out of some strange devotion to duty (Amos 5.21-24). This is not permission to quit serving or giving, but a reminder that “why” you serve is more important than “what” you are doing. That negative framing of your call is not making you look humble or like a hero. God’s work will continue and thrive even if you choose not to do what he called you to. The only thing truly suffering is you. God has called you to a great thing and wants you to be a part of his work. To truly experience the life-giving nature of God’s call in your life, you must be excited to serve him and others.
So, serve and give today with a cheerful heart! Love the people God has put in your life to serve. I promise that when you reframe that work, it will stop being tedious and become a source of joy and fulfillment.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7