
The temperature was only a degree or two different, but the transformation felt like a chasm had formed between then and now. It hung there, shining like a beacon. An amber leaf dancing as it descended to the earth was confirmation. The change was more than a fanciful flutter in my gut. Now, it was empirically verified. Fall had begun, and I barely noticed.


People think transformation happens overnight. It does not. Earth’s seasonal changes are based on what hemisphere points directly at the sun. Subtle daily changes in the direction of the tilt of the Earth cause large shifts in weather patterns. They happen so slowly you barely notice.


Personal transformation is a series of small changes that happen over a long period that create a whole new life. Consistent daily steps in the right direction are much more effective at transformation than a dramatic course correction. People make drastic decisions to handle stressful situations, but those changes fade quickly. If your goal is transformation, that is, true change in your life or relationships, daily steps in the right direction are the long-proven method to success.


God can work transformative miracles in your life. Most of those miracles happen over weeks, months, and even years. Augustine said, “We take for granted the slow miracle whereby water in the irrigation of a vineyard becomes wine. It is only when Christ turns water into wine, in a quick motion, as it were, that we stand amazed.”


“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” – Mark 9:23


3 Spiritual Disciplines for Sermon Prep 

