I fell today…
It was as if the rock had materialized from the ether. It grabbed my foot and threw me into a cartoonish slo-mo crash to the ground. My palms absorbed the bulk of the fall. My pride was the only injury…
I popped to my feet and scanned my surroundings. The coast was clear; no one saw. I continued as if nothing happened. I was covered in dirt, and blood was running down my hands. No one saw me fall, but the evidence was irrefutable.
Falling is part of life. Kids fall constantly. Parents say, “Shake it off and keep going.” When they may be hurt, you pause and watch for their reaction. Parents avoid convincing them that a fall is scary. I’m unsure of the moment in life when falling becomes embarrassing, but it is around fourteen. The early teen years, when your brain is bathing in excessive chemicals and hormones, create some lasting unhealthy self-awareness.
In our faith, we can become paralyzed after we fall. But! We can and should just shake it off and keep going. Allowing God to make us new can be difficult. We try to take back areas that cause worry or keep habits that give comfort. We knew a change was needed when we started this journey, but now it is scary. We forget the pain those things lead to. You were right when you gave them to God; you do not need them. When you fall, shake it off and keep going.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)